Short side seats located behind the goals ring 1 or ring 2
Corner sections seats located on ring 1 or ring 2
Long side lateral stand seats located either on ring 1 or ring 2
Long side main Tribune stand seats located either on ring 1 or 2
Standard Category
Tribuna: Long side main Tribune stand seats located either on ring 1 or 2
Lateral: Long side lateral stand seats located either on ring 1 or ring 2
Corner: Corner sections seats located on ring 1 or ring 2
Gol: Short side seats located behind the goals ring 1 or ring 2
Standard Ticket
*E – Tickets will be sent by email 12-24 hours before the kick-off time.
*Seats Condition (or odd seats)
臨時搬遷至奧林匹克體育場Lluís Companys意味著一種新的容量模型,因為其容量不到Spotify Camp Nou的一半。奧林匹克體育場目前的座位容量為49,472個(1992年奧運會期間為67,007個),是西班牙第六大體育場,也是加泰羅尼亞第二大體育場